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Sun Shade

Cataumet, MA


This property sits on the tip of Scraggy Neck in Cataumet looking due west across Buzzards Bay. Our clients needed help determining how best to minimize the excessive heat gain in their living spaces during the summer due to the intense exposure. It was apparent that a shading devise or mechanism of some sort would be required to shade the glazed western facade. We convinced our clients that a fabric “tensile-like” structure would be the most appropriate, a metaphor for all the billowing sails on Buzzards Bay during the season. Being removable also allows for the winter sun to freely warm the house passively. Our office collaborated with Duvall Design from Rockport, ME who specializes in the design and installation of these architectural elements.


1337 County Road, Cataumet, MA / T 508.564.4656 / © All Rights Reserved

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